4_6_Интерактивный аудиогид как инструмент экскурсионной деятельности в контексте развития Smart-туризма . Наука

nteractive audio guide as an excursion activity tool in the context of smart tourism development

  • Gomilevskaya G.A.

    Galina A. Gomilevskaya. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Taisiya A. Putilina

    Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. The article examines the innovative nature of sightseeing activities, taking into account the use of an interactive audio guide in the context of the development of smart tourism. Sightseeing and educational tourism is the most popular segment of the tourist market, which, in turn, demonstrates gradual improvement with the advent of new forms and approaches to its organization. In recent years, the integration of
artificial intelligence has become relevant. Advanced technologies are revolutionizing various industries due to the advantages they can offer. According to the form of a guided tour, audio guided tours are currently gaining significant popularity. This is justified by the fact that the audio guide allows you to get comprehensive information about the place you visit. It enables sightseeing viewers to decide how much time to
devote to a particular object without being depended on the guide. Mobility and accessibility are the main advantages of an audio guide over a live story. The aim of the work is to develop the technological foundations of an interactive guided walking audio guide using artificial intelligence. The results of the work comprise the analysis of world and domestic experience; the development of a classification system for in-
teractive excursion services; the analysis of ways to introduce innovative technologies in tourism; the presentation of the structure of an interactive guided walking audio guide. The scientific novelty of the research is the formation of the technological foundations of an innovative audio guide and a classification system for interactive excursion services. The practical significance lies in evaluating the ways of implementing a neural network and a chat-bot in the development of an excursion service.
Keywords: audio guide, excursion destination, smart tourism, artificial intelligence, neural network.